Monday, March 6, 2023

Latest Updates from ECL, The Department of English and Comparative Literature at San Diego State University

From: Quentin Bailey <>
Date: Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 11:03 AM
Dear Colleagues,
Subject: Weekly Bulletin 3.6.23

Please find attached a flier for our ECL
Outstanding Essay Awards. As we discussed at the meeting, faculty are encouraged to recommend an essay for the award: we would like the award to honor the very best pieces of writing at the undergraduate and graduate level. The deadline for submission is Friday 14 April. Submissions should go to Iris:

Key Dates

3/17 in the Digital Humanities Center, Love Library: Networked Narratives, an interdisciplinary conference organized by the graduate students of the Department of English and Comparative Literature. 

3/21 at 1 pm in the Finch Conference Room: Lashon Daley will be presenting “Coming of (r)age”  at CAL’s “Human Is As Human Does” on 21 March 2023 at 1 pm in the Finch Conference Room.

3/22: Deadline for Fall 2023 Engl 220 and 280 applications. If a student asks for you to write a letter of recommendation, please feel free to send it directly to Mary (

4/26 at 7 pm in LL 430: Rick Barot will read from his most recent publications, including The Galleons, which has been described as “…significant, the work of a poet at the height of his powers.”


Joseph Thomas has published twelve new and one previously published poem ("Advice for Children," first published in The Robert Graves Review) in Poems from the Black Lagoon (New York: Cats in the Basement P, 2023), a mini-anthology highlighting the work of eight poets.

Lashon Daley was selected to serve as a member of the inaugural Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Board. In this role,  she will be helping  facilitate peer observations.

Some good news about a former student: Zahara Almosawi, who graduated cum laude from our SSTC major in 2021, subsequently took some economics classes at community college in order to go on to a graduate program in professional accountancy. She has just been accepted into her top school, UCSD, and got $45K to contribute to a two-year degree that costs $60K. She already has a summer internship lined up with a mid-level accounting firm. Zahari is the daughter of Iraqi immigrants and her family struggled once they immigrated to San Diego. As her adviser Clare Colquitt puts it, ‘our majors can do anything.’ 

As always, please let me know details of good news or upcoming events. 

All best,


Quentin Bailey, DPhil
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of English and Comparative Literature 
San Diego State University 
619 594 5271
Pronouns: he/ him/ his
Indigenous residence: Kumeyaay

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