Good News you might have missed:
Lashon Daly has developed a new web series, Critical Conversations in Children’s Literature, that brings together children’s literature authors and scholars to discuss critical topics brewing within the field. Check out the first two episodes: http://sdsuchildlit.blogspot.
Mary Galbraith’s entry on deixis was published in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature in November:
acrefore/9780190201098.013. 1055
Yetta Howard’s entry on “Feminism” forms part of Keywords for Comics Studies (NYU Press, 2021):
9781479825431/keywords-for- . In addition, a glowing review of Yetta’s Ugly Differences appeared in the June 2021 issue of Hypatia.comics-studies/
Hal Jaffe published Strange Fruit and other plays with Black Scat Books. The collection contains nine diverse and innovative one-act plays, featuring Billie Holiday & Lester Young; Antonin Artaud & Georges Bataille; Marilyn Monroe & Marlon Brando; Samuel Beckett; condemned prisoners in Texas making their final statement before execution; Israelis & Palestinians in life-or-death dialogue; Charles Manson unleashed; Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin & Jim Morrison burning it at both ends; & the potently satirical “Splish Splash,” exploring gender discord.
In November, Joseph Thomas presented a paper, "Smashing The Penny Fiddle: Colliding Oppositions in Robert Graves’s Children’s Poetry" as part of the "Masks and Paradoxes in the Work of Robert Graves" panel at the annual conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association. Joseph also published an essay on Graves, “Drawing Music from Penny Fiddles, or, a Biographical Account of Robert Graves and Theodore Roethke’s Secret Lives as Children’s Poets with a Look at their Neglected Masterworks, The Penny Fiddle and I Am! Says the Lamb, along with a Few Other Things”: