Not many of the contributors’ names to Troubadour have withstood the test of time, though there are some surprises. Ansel Adams contributed three poems to the May 1929 issue featuring
If you study or teach about feature films, you should attend Robert Rosenstone's lecture:
"Why Directors Invent the Past to Tell the Truth: An Analysis of the Movie Glory"
May 4th at 3:00 PM in 301 Geology, Math, and Computer Science Building
Rosenstone is arguably the leading historian working in the field of film. His biography of John Reed was the basis of Warren Beatty's Reds.
Robert A. Rosenstone
Professor of History
Division of the Humantities & Social Sociences
California Institute of Technology (CalTech)
Pasadena, California, USA
Founding Editor, Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice
Associate Editor, Film Historia
My current research runs along two parallel lines, continuing the investigation of issues that have concerned me for the last two decades. One involves the intensely contemporary issue: what it means to construct works of history in a culture where the visual and the electronic media are not only supplementing but to a great extent replacing the written word as the chief means of communication. The other line has to do with creating alternative ways of presenting history (on the page, on the screen, on the internet), which of necessity involves questions of the relationship between historical data and argument, as well as that between fact and fiction. Robert A. Rosenstone
Books: AUTHORCrusade of the Left: The Lincoln Battalion and the Spanish Civil War - 1969 Romantic Revolutionary: A Biography of John Reed - 1975 Mirror in the Shrine: American Encounters in Meiji Japan - 1988 Visions of the Past: The Challenge of Film to Our Idea of History - 1995 King of Odessa - 2003 The Man Who Swam Into History - 2005 History on Film / Film on History - 2006
Protest from the Right - 1968 Seasons of Rebellion: Protest and Radicalism in Recent America - 1972 Los cantos de la conmocion: Veinte años de rock - 1974 Revisioning History: Filmmakers and the Construction of the Past - 1995 Experiments in Rethinking History - 2005